New Restaurant Opens / Lurie's Plans For Ingleside
In this week’s newsletter, we examine what Mayor Daniel Lurie may do for the greater Ingleside and more.
Buses, Bikes, Streetcars
The traffic improvements are part of the K Ingleside Rapid Project, which aims to improve the flow of traffic and safety.
The service reductions impact one bus route during the midday and two rail lines on the weekends.
San Francisco has approved $700,000 to install 27 traffic calming and sideshow prevention measures, 10 of which will be in District 11.
SFMTA's study on increasing Muni Metro Subway capacity, including a potential K and L line merger, faces community opposition.
The study was prompted by Supervisor Ahsha Safai due to concerns about traffic safety in the area, which has seen a high number of collisions.
This change ends switching from the second to the first car at West Portal station, saving time and reducing delays.
The SFMTA will close the 106-year-old Twin Peaks Tunnel so work crews can repair leaks and cracks.
Community members gave feedback on three to reimagine the city’s biking, scooting and rolling infrastructure.
The music and culture extravaganza is expected to attract at least 75,000 people to Golden Gate Park a day this weekend.
Ocean Avenue streetcar trackway may get replaced to the tune of $2.1 million in 2026.
Contested plans for improving traffic safety on a critical intersection of West Portal Avenue were discussed at a panel discussion Tuesday.
The 106-year-old Twin Peaks Tunnel will close for a weekend in June and another July before an eight-day closure in August.
We’ll send you our must-read newsletter featuring top news, events and more each Thursday.