UPDATED: The Ingleside Restaurants Offering Pick Up and Delivery Right Now

The list of all of the restaurants serving the public during the shelter-in-place order.

El Jalapeno, Ocean Ale House and Go Go 7 are a few of the restaurants still open during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order.
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Updated April 3: Restaurants that have temporarily closed since the shelter-in-place order was extended have been removed.

While the federal government designs and implements a recovery package to stabilize the teetering economy, local restaurants are striving to stay operational until help is available.

Ocean Avenue restaurant owners told The Light that they are struggling but that every little bit helps. They are genuinely thankful for the support they are receiving from the neighborhood.

Below is a list of the addresses and phone numbers of all of the restaurants and cafes offering pick up and delivery during the COVID-19 coronavirus shelter-in-place public health order.

Please call in advance because hours of operation may be changed.

Golden China Restaurant

1612 Ocean Ave.

(415) 585-4953

21 Taste House

1109 Ocean Ave.

(415) 205-7984

Beep’s Burgers

1051 Ocean Avenue

(415) 584-2650

Orchids Cafe

1031 Ocean Ave.

(415) 333-8668


1140 Ocean Ave.

(415) 841-8400

Açaí R

1130 Ocean Ave.

(415) 347-7707


1201 Ocean Ave.

(415) 452-8819

Chase Luck Bakery

1325 Ocean Ave.

(415) 769-5983

Go Go 7

1300 Ocean Ave.

(415) 333-4344

Ocean Ale House

1314 Ocean Ave.

(415) 988-7521

Taqueria El Jalapeno

1338 Ocean Ave.

(415) 584-8600


1400 Ocean Ave.

(415) 347-7898

Cherry Blossom Bakery

1552 Ocean Ave.

(415) 333-9088

Java on Ocean

1700 Ocean Ave.

(415) 333-6075

Champa Garden

613 Faxon Ave.

(415) 349-4186

Joyful Kitchen

1919 Ocean Ave.

(415) 239-2388

Emmy’s Restaurant

1923 Ocean Ave.

(415) 449-9371

Kaisen Don

1939 Ocean Ave.

(415) 859-9081

Monza Pizza

1934 Ocean Ave.

(415) 587-4992

D’Maize Cafe — Selling Giftcards online

11 Frida Kahlo Way

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