Muni Light Rail Service to be Disrupted by Week-long Evening Closure in Late January

K Ingleside service will be disrupted for a week for subway maintenance in late January.

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All Muni light rail vehicle service between West Portal and Embarcadero stations will go offline at 9:30 p.m. starting Sunday, Jan. 26 for about one week, requiring the use of bus substitution service.

The closure, which has no official end date, will allow the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to conduct maintenance of the subway’s catenary, rail, signals and vehicle control system.

The light rail vehicle service will be replaced by buses from 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Commute hour service will not be impacted.

The K Ingleside will run from Balboa Park to St. Francis Circle. The M Ocean View will run from Balboa Park to West Portal.

The Light asked the SFMTA why the K Ingleside will stop at St. Francis Circle instead of West Portal.

“The M and L will interline at West Portal, meaning inbound M will become outbound L, and vice versa,” SFMTA spokesperson Erica Kato wrote in an email. “The K [will run] short trips between Balboa Park and St. Francis Circle.”

The SFMTA encourages all riders to leave extra travel time during the subway closures.

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