🟧 Balboa Reservoir Construction Nears // New Restaraunt Burgled
In this week’s newsletter, we follow up on another small business burglary. Plus: * The Balboa Reservoir's construction
The west entrance of the bridge that crosses Interstate 280 just got beautified.
All seventeen projects that made it to the ballot will be funded this year.
Supported by Faxon Garage Good morning. It's Saturday, July 1. Here are all of our stories from June
Supported by Beep's Burgers In this week’s newsletter, City College preps for a special new building, and
The new facility will be a gateway for new students but also the neighborhood.
The upstart wellness clinic focuses on healing and psychotherapy.
College administrators have been ordered to negotiate in good faith.
Repeated gun violence has raised safety concerns from the surrounding community.
Supported by Perez Construction In this week’s newsletter, an update on the Ocean View Branch Library project, and then:
Community members expressed displeasure over the prolonged wait for a new library.
Voting on proposals to be funded this year closes on June 26, 2023.
Supervisor Myrna Melgar requested the review last year.
We’ll send you our must-read newsletter featuring top news, events and more each Thursday.