K Ingleside Light Rail Service To Be Replaced With Buses Early Weekend Mornings

Starting Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will make service changes to a number of bus and Metro light rail vehicle routes, including the K Ingleside, for early weekend mornings.

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Starting Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will make service changes to a number of bus and Metro light rail vehicle routes, including the K Ingleside, for early weekend mornings.

“These changes will improve reliability and connections, reduce crowding and provide one-seat rides for weekend early morning Metro service with bus substitutions,” according to a SFMTA blog post. “Affected routes include the J, KT, L, M and N Metro lines, 7 Haight-Noriega, 23 Monterey, 1AX, 1BX, 31AX, 31BX, 38AX, and 38BX.”

Because Metro stations open at 6 a.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m. on Sunday, the Metro lines will continue to be served by buses once Owl service ends. The intention is to reduce the need for transfers before Metro stations open.

SFMTA has placed signs notifying its ridership of the changes around boarding islands along Ocean Avenue and elsewhere.

For more information, visit www.sfmta.com.

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