🟧 Balboa Reservoir Construction Nears // New Restaraunt Burgled
In this week’s newsletter, we follow up on another small business burglary. Plus: * The Balboa Reservoir's construction
Readers shared their thoughts on transit, vacant storefronts, landmarks and more at our Meet and Chat event in November.
The Ingleside Light’s reporters Anne Marie Kristoff and Jerold Chinn met and chatted with community members on a Wednesday night to learn more about neighborhood issues.
Over a dozen people showed up at Charm Coffee to talk about transit, vacant storefronts and public safety express stories they would like to see The Ingleside Light shine a spotlight on including why it takes so long to open new businesses along the Ocean Avenue commercial corridor.
“Those spaces have been empty for years and it’s like, ‘Well, nothing can go there,’” Marie Maffei said, referring to TJ Development at 1601 Ocean Ave. “This [Charm Coffee] is nice. There’s things that are trying to open.”
Other residents spoke about the partially completed K Ingleside light rail line project, which included new boarding island extensions. Gene Maffei noted that he disliked the new left turn restrictions and worried traffic would be diverted near his house on Southwood Drive.
District 11 resident Rica Thomas Antoniotti said she was interested in seeing more profiles of residents who may own businesses elsewhere in the city.
Connie Mar spoke with reporters about City College of San Francisco and wanted to know more about the college’s current accreditation and financial situation. Other residents also spoke about the Balboa Reservoir housing development project and worried about the traffic issues that might arise when new residents move in.
While conversations circled heavily around improvements to the neighborhood, attendees also shared their memories of neighborhood landmarks such as the El Rey Theatre and the Ingleside Sundial.
The Ocean Avenue Association Deputy Director Gabe Cory encouraged The Ingleside Light to do more events with the community.
“This is fun. It’s great to connect with people,” Cory said.
Charm Coffee owner Kim Ramos said she enjoyed hosting The Ingleside Light.
“I love to learn and I think you guys have the tools to gather information and that’s helpful for people like me,” Ramos said.
Stay tuned for more events.
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