Ethnic Doll Drive Continues at the Ave Bar with Reggae Party This Friday

The historic Ave Bar will continue its Ethnic Doll Drive with the San Francisco Firefighters Toy Program with a party this Friday.

The Ave Bar's Ethnic Doll Drive continues until Christmas.
The Ave Bar is continuing its Ethnic Doll Drive until Christmas. Courtesy photo
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This Friday, Ingleside’s historic Ave Bar will host a Reggae-themed event to collect more toys for its annual Ethnic Doll Drive in partnership with the San Francisco Firefighters Toy Program.

The Ave Bar’s owners Lucia Fuentes Zarate and firefighter Bomani Caungula said donations for dolls, particularly dolls of Asian ethnicity, and other toys have been slower this year than in the past.

The husband and wife team began hosting the toy drive at their tavern in 2010 in an attempt to improve young girls’ access to dolls that look and dress like them.

The Musiq Box Show will be spinning reggae with an emphasis in roots, island, dancehall, world music and broadcasting live from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. DJ Dread Ramas and Bless King Sound will do a set. Ave Bar regular ensemble Mayan Dynasty will also perform.

The Toy Program, a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to donating toys to children during the holidays, was founded in 1949 and, in 2016, was responsible for distributing over 200,000 toys to more than 40,000 disadvantaged children, according to its website.

The Ave Bar will roll out barrels for depositing dolls until Christmas. While they are seeking ethnic dolls specifically, they will accept all unwrapped toys. The bar is also accepting checks and donations to benefit the Toy Program.

Event Details

When: Friday, Dec. 6, 6:00 p.m.
Where: The Ave Bar, 1607 Ocean Ave.
The Ave Bar is located at 1607 Ocean Ave. For more information, visit its website at

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